2nd Annual Network Meeting: Restoration & Drainage in Peatlands
Published on January 12, 2011 in DIARY
January 12th-13th 2011
Day 1 |
1 | Peatland hydrological functioning: and the need for restoration for carbon conservation. Prof. Dave Gilvear: Stirling University |
2 | The purpose of restoration: a regulatory overview Lorna Harris: SEPA |
3 | Evaluating a match: is restoration for flood control, biodiversity and carbon functioning the same thing? Clifton Bain: IUCN |
4 | The effects of road building on peatlands: an ecological perspective. Richard Lindsay: University of East London |
5 | Hydrological and biogeochemical effects of peatland restoration; observational and experimental approaches. Dr. Lorraine Wilson: RSPB |
6 | SNIFFER project ER18. Aquatic C fluxes from UK peatlands: A demonstration of a prototype metadatabase on aquatic C forms in UK peatlands. Dr. Marc Stutter: Macaulay Land Use Institute |
Day 2 |
1 | Case studies from Ireland. Dr. Catherine O’Farrell: Bord na Móna |
2 | Case study from Whitelee Windfarm. Peter Robson: Scottish Power Renewables |
3 | Case study of restoration on Flanders Moss. Dr. Nadeem Shah: Forestry Research |
4 | Drain blocking best practice and the implications for dissolved organic carbon concentrations. Dr. Alona Armstrong: University of Glasgow |
5 | The effect of peatland restoration on gas emissions. Mark Cooper: Centre for Ecology & Hydrology Bangor |
6 | Discussion. Exploring the possibility of a levy on development in peatlands. chaired by Prof. Susan Waldron: Glasgow University |